Kick-Start Your Summer with SNAP

Watermelon at the beach

For many first year university students, the beginning of the school year can be a time of significant changes, including changes in eating habits. Whether you find yourself making an  unfortunate switch from home-cooked meals to ramen noodles, or improving your diet  by choosing healthy options on campus or learning to cook better, the process of changing your living situation can have a big effect on the way you choose to eat. This is also true for the transition from university life to living back at home or on your own for the summer. Many of the healthy, or unhealthy, habits that were developed throughout the school year will likely be changing. With this being so, I have put together a list of some of the steps you can take to optimize your transition to summer!

Get Outside!

Spending time outdoors this summer will not only allow you to get some extra physical activity but it also has a couple of extra benefits. First off, spending time in the sun allows your body to produce vitamin D. In the spring and summer your body can make vitamin D when your skin is exposed to sunshine. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium which helps maintain healthy teeth and bones. It also plays a role in keeping your muscles, nerves, and immune system functioning well.  Getting outside also gives you the opportunity to start new social habits, such as joining a sports team or going for walks with friends and family.!

Eating Out: Quality over Quantity

As the weather gets warmer and the sun gets brighter, many people, myself included, begin to look forward to nights of great food and friendship out on the patio. With this being said, try not to use “shorts season” as an excuse to eat unhealthy fast food every day! Instead, treat yourself on a few occasions and go somewhere you enjoy! Also, when eating out don’t feel like you have to finish everything in front of you, try eating until you feel about 80% full. You can always ask for a takeout box and save your left overs so you don’t have to make lunch the next day! You can also try asking for whole grain options or extra vegetables to add more fibre and nutrients to your plate!  Use these tips to give your eating out habits a step in a healthy direction!

Stay Hydrated

With the warm weather and spending more time outside, it is important that you replenish your body of the fluids it loses. Dehydration is a common concern in the summer and it keeps you from feeling and functioning at your best. Try to keep a full reusable water bottle on you throughout the day so that you never have to worry about finding a fountain. This easy habit will help keep your cravings at bay, improve your skin, and make your summer happier and healthier.

Don’t Forget to Eat

I get it, the summer can be a very busy time. You may be balancing work, volunteering, time with friends and family, or other summer activities that keep your mind elsewhere. With this being so, it is easy to lose track of when you’ve eaten last. Try to keep seasonal snacks like fresh fruit and seeds with you if you know that your schedule might be too tight to make a meal. Also, try to space numerous smaller meals throughout the day to keep you feeling satisfied, and to help you avoid consuming too much junk food!

These are a few of the habits that can help you kick-start a healthy and fun summer, full of great food, great friends, and great memories!

Have a great summer everyone!

Written by Ben Organ, SNAP Volunteer 

Published by SNAP

The Student Nutrition Awareness Program at the University of Guelph aims to promote balanced and positive eating habits and nutritious food choices.

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