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September 1st, 2020

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Can You Be Healthy at Any Size?

Nutrition on Campus

Dietitian feature: Jessie Trupp and her role at UofG’s Hospitality Services

Jessie Trupp is a Registered Dietitian working for Hospitality Services at the University of Guelph. Jessie’s main roles on campus include meeting with students with allergies (upon request), collaborating with chefs and managers on department initiatives, and working with SNAP. Jessie is also a #UofG Grad! You can contact Jessie at if you are:…

Meatless Meals on Campus

Here at the University of Guelph, there are dining options for everyone! This includes having a variety of plant-based and meatless options available across campus. Here is a list of places where you can find some of our many plant-based options: Nature’s Best specializes in exclusively meatless options (Creelman Hall, UC Chef’s Hall). Also look for vegetarian…

Eating on Campus is a SNAP!

As the new school year approaches, some students may be starting to worry about eating on campus… “Will they offer vegan food that suits my tastes?” “What if there aren’t allergy-friendly options available for me to eat?” “I’m worried they might not serve healthy food on campus!” Does this sound like you? If so, have…


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General Nutrition Topics

A Student’s Guide to Eating Local

Did you know that the average banana travels more than 4000 km before being sold in a grocery store (Iowa State University)? These “food miles” have become an indicator of how sustainable our food systems are. A high number of food miles is consistent with a larger carbon footprint. It is now easier than ever…

The Importance of Carbohydrates.

Should I avoid carbohydrates? Everyone has heard it, “Avoid carbs if you want to lose weight!” Carbohydrates are often negatively labelled as the ‘enemy’ from diet culture, but do you know exactly what they are? and why we need them? What are carbohydrates? Carbohydrates are made up of sugar molecules and are one of the…

Probiotics 101: An Intro to Gut Health

Did you know that the human gut is the host to trillions of microbes? Though you might have heard the terms microbes, microbiome, and probiotics floating around within these past few years, what does it all really mean? In today’s blog, we will be breaking down terminology, discussing the benefits and possible side effects of…


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Healthy Living Tips

Fruit-Rich Treats for a Refreshing Summer

Summer is that time of year when everyone starts feeling the need for a little bit of sweetness in their lives. And what better way to enjoy your summer treats than by making them yourself? In this article, we’ve gathered some of our favourite fruity, summer treat recipes, and we hope you enjoy them as…

Dietitian Feature: Kelsey Lloyd and the Link between Nutrition and Physical Activity

Kelsey Lloyd, M.S., R.D., is a Registered Dietitian (RD) from Washington, US. Kelsey is currently working in a clinical pediatric setting. In past roles, Kelsey has worked in public health communications and general health/fitness/sports nutrition as an RD at a gym. Kelsey has a passion for sports nutrition and has generously given us the opportunity…

Nutrition and Immune Health

A healthy immune system is the first line of defense against viruses, infections and disease. Now more than ever, supporting our immune health has become of incredible importance in regards to the COVID-19 pandemic we’ve been facing for over a year now. A healthy, balanced diet is one of many factors in supporting a healthy…


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Meal Ideas

Smoothies Make The Day Go Smoothly

Are you rushed in the morning or find that you never have time to make breakfast? Do you find your stomach rumbling half way through your first class? If you love fruit and experimenting in the kitchen, try a smoothie for breakfast or as a snack! Why are smoothies so great? You can put in…

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