A Student’s Guide to Eating Local

Did you know that the average banana travels more than 4000 km before being sold in a grocery store (Iowa State University)? These “food miles” have become an indicator of how sustainable our food systems are. A high number of food miles is consistent with a larger carbon footprint. It is now easier than everContinue reading “A Student’s Guide to Eating Local”

Probiotics 101: An Intro to Gut Health

Did you know that the human gut is the host to trillions of microbes? Though you might have heard the terms microbes, microbiome, and probiotics floating around within these past few years, what does it all really mean? In today’s blog, we will be breaking down terminology, discussing the benefits and possible side effects ofContinue reading “Probiotics 101: An Intro to Gut Health”

Should I be gluten-free?

You’ve seen the labels “gluten-free or “GF” in grocery stores, restaurants, and even on social media, but what does this mean? A consumer market survey has shown that 33% of Canadians believe gluten-free products are healthier.1 It has also been shown that only 57% consume gluten-free foods for medical reasons, while the remaining percentage implemented it for other factors.4 Gluten-free diets have gained traction among the general, healthy population inContinue reading “Should I be gluten-free?”

Nutrition and Immune Health

A healthy immune system is the first line of defense against viruses, infections and disease. Now more than ever, supporting our immune health has become of incredible importance in regards to the COVID-19 pandemic we’ve been facing for over a year now. A healthy, balanced diet is one of many factors in supporting a healthyContinue reading “Nutrition and Immune Health”

The Zucchini Bread Approach

The Importance of Reestablishing a Connection between Land and Nutrition The importance of eating local food extends beyond environmental and ethical reasons, and may boost the organoleptic and nutritional qualities of food, as well as the psychophysical pleasure we get from it. Therefore, I would like to reflect upon the close relationship between agriculture and nutrition. To introduce thisContinue reading “The Zucchini Bread Approach”

Eating Disorders & Mental Health: An Interview with Jessie Trupp

Written by Yumi Chow, SNAP Coordinator (2021) Meet Jessie Jessie Trupp (@themoodyfoodierd) is a graduate from the University of Guelph and a Registered Dietitian practicing in Ontario. Jessie’s main areas of interest include eating disorders, addictions and mental health, diabetes, and public health. We had the opportunity to chat with Jessie about mental health andContinue reading “Eating Disorders & Mental Health: An Interview with Jessie Trupp”

What is Intuitive Eating?

We hear the phrase ‘intuitive eating’ all the time but do we really know what that entails or understand the concept entirely? To be intuitive means to act based what you feel to be true even without conscious reason. Think about it this way, you go to the bathroom whenever your body tells you toContinue reading “What is Intuitive Eating?”

How to Maximize Nutrient Absorption

It is important to make the most out of the foods we eat. But did you know there are ways that we can help our foods help us and ensure we receive the utmost benefits from the foods we consume?  This has to do with the concepts of digestion, absorption and bioavailability.  Digestion and absorption are processesContinue reading “How to Maximize Nutrient Absorption”

Can You Be Healthy at Any Size?

We live in a culture of “wellness” in which we fixate on our appearance in the name of health, measuring our body against a standard that goes in and out of style like a clothing trend. A simple picture of someone’s body posted on Instagram is taken as an open invitation for commentary and usedContinue reading “Can You Be Healthy at Any Size?”

The New Canada’s Food Guide!

The new year saw the release of the brand new Canada’s Food Guide (2019)! Canada’s new go-to guide for healthy eating has generated a lot of buzz, in the nutrition community and beyond. This is because it is very different from the old guide! In fact, the old food guide, called Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide (2011),Continue reading “The New Canada’s Food Guide!”

What’s a Reliable Nutrition Resource?

I haven’t always found enjoyment from eating.  Actually, this is a new phenomenon since studying Applied Human Nutrition at the University of Guelph. When I was in high school, I struggled with my body image. I stressed about my weight and in relation, what I ate. I remember reading a book about gluten free dietsContinue reading “What’s a Reliable Nutrition Resource?”

Nutrition Myth Busting with SNAP!

The Student Nutrition Awareness Program (SNAP) is your on-campus resource at the University of Guelph that provides you with reliable nutrition information and online nutrition resources. With so many nutrition claims and fad diets out there, it’s hard to know what advice is credible. Luckily, SNAP is here to help! We’ve tackled some of theContinue reading “Nutrition Myth Busting with SNAP!”